Just for Fun (misc) by Ron Wolf
Ron Wolf's Gallery Ron Wolf's Gallery
  1. Ron Wolf's Gallery
  2. Just for Fun (misc)Just for Fun (misc)
201 Vintage Midwest Gas Pump
202 1938 Ford. Rusting in Oregon
203 Ford. Rusting in Redmond, OR
204 Creamery Truck of Idaho
205 A Rusty Chorus Line. Grass Valley, Oregon
206 Those Eyes are Always WATTching
2 07 An Odd Juniper Couple
208 Juniper Tree Surviving the Trim
209 Making a Point About Tree Life, Juniper Tree, Redmond OR
210 Paris Open Market: Spices
211 French Veggie Market. Aix en Provence, France
212 Open Air Bread Market, Aix en Provence, France
2 13 Dizzy Hotel Stairs. Aix en Provence, France

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201 Vintage Midwest Gas Pump 202  1938 Ford.  Rusting in Oregon 203 Ford. Rusting in  Redmond, OR 204 Creamery Truck of Idaho 205 A Rusty Chorus Line.  Grass Valley, Oregon 206 Those Eyes are Always WATTching 2 07 An Odd Juniper Couple 208 Juniper Tree Surviving the  Trim 209 Making a Point About Tree Life, Juniper Tree, Redmond OR 210 Paris Open Market:  Spices 211 French Veggie Market.   Aix en Provence, France 212 Open Air Bread Market,  Aix en Provence, France 2 13 Dizzy Hotel Stairs.  Aix en Provence, France
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